Show Your Support

Hillspeak066-wide2We have been able to share our mission of “reflecting the words and work of the faithful throughout the Anglican Communion” only because of the continued generosity of our many faithful readers and partners. Our modest endowment cannot cover the costs associated with our ministry. Would you consider supporting our mission, giving us the tools necessary to expand our work? All gifts to The Anglican Digest are fully tax-deductible.

Monetary Donations

Click the “Donate” button to donate quickly and securely online – or, alternatively, you may mail your check (payable to The Anglican Digest) to:

EUREKA SPRINGS, AR  72632-9705

If you wish to make a donation over the telephone, please call 479-253-9701.

Gifts of Securities

Appreciated Securities make a fantastic gift. Giving long-term appreciated stock offers you a two-fold tax saving. First, you avoid paying any capital gains tax on the increase in value of your stock. In addition, you receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift. In order to preserve tax advantages, make sure you transfer the physical securities or gift the stock certificate rather than giving the proceeds of a sale. For income tax purposes the value of such gifts may be deducted up to 30% of adjusted gross income, with an additional five-year carry forward if needed. The staff of The Anglican Digest is available to help you make a gift of stock both quick and convenient.

Remember TAD in Your Will

You can help the ministries of The Anglican Digest and SPEAK by remembering us in your will. You may do so using the following wording:

“I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to the Society for Promoting and Encouraging Arts and Knowledge of the Church (SPEAK), a not-for-profit corporation, with the present address of 805 County Road 102, Eureka Springs, AR 72632-9705 and its successor, the greater of $________, or ___________ percentage of my gross estate, to be used in such manner as determined by its trustees.”

Considering federal estate taxes, a charitable bequest in your will could benefit the work of The Anglican Digest while also saving you tax dollars. To determine what would work best for you and your family, it may be helpful to consult with your attorney and a gift planner – or contact us to learn more about setting up a bequest.

Life Insurance

If you own a life insurance policy that is no longer needed, it could be the perfect gift vehicle for a 2012 year-end charitable gift. You can contribute a life insurance policy either by declaring SPEAK as the owner of the policy or simply the beneficiary. If you name SPEAK as the owner and the beneficiary, in most cases you will be entailed to an income tax deduction limited to the lower fair market value of the policy or your cost basis in the contract. It’s easy to contribute a life insurance policy – just check with your life insurance agent for details on which forms to complete.

Gifts of Real Estate

If you owned your home, a vacation home, acreage, or a farm for many years, a charitable gift of that real estate can be especially tax-advantageous. The property may have so appreciated in value over the years that its sale would result in a sizable capital gains tax. If given to a nonprofit entity such as SPEAK, you avoid the capital gains tax and realize a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the real estate. It also removes this large asset from your taxable estate.

Other Assets to Give

Other assets may also be used to fund a substantial gift to SPEAK, including appreciated securities, real estate, property, business interests, retirement plans, life insurance, and many others. Should you wish to receive more information, please contact us at 479-253-9701 or use our online contact form.

Gifts that Pay You

You can make a gift to SPEAK through a trust or annuity that will pay you or another beneficiary income for life. Upon the death of the last income beneficiary, the remaining corpus of the trust or annuity is transferred to SPEAK. Your gift can be designated for a specific purpose or applied to the ongoing needs of SPEAK. Should you wish to learn more, please contact us at 479-253-9701 or use our online contact form.
